So Lydia is a very interesting child. She does things her own way and if you look at the two posts after this one, you'll see what I mean. However, she is so good and so fun and so cute! Here are her age 5 months activities.
She loves riding on Daddy's shoulders and eating his hair until it's dripping wet with slobber.
She has also grown in two little teeth. Her Aunt Ashley is proud of her early teeth development. I'm telling you it's that big brain in her big head ;) We have discovered her dislike for the vegetable green beans. This is her face before she gags. We had to wrap her arms in a blanket so she wouldn't get green beans everywhere. First we take away the freedom of arm-movement and next we try to shove disgusting food down her throat. She pretty much hated us.She smiles a lot. It makes us smile a lot :) And she loves hanging out with Mommy the bestest. Who wouldn't love hanging out with someone who has a face like this? I sure do! Soon she'll have lived half a year. That seems so short and long at the same time! I hope I get many more half birthdays to come. Love you Lydie!