Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day at Wheeler Farm

This past weekend we had some time together because of Memorial Day weekend. Saturday we did a little shopping and a lot of nothing, spent Sunday at church followed by more relaxing time, and then Monday we packed up the kids and headed to Wheeler Rarm.

Cousins Emmy and Jackson, with Aunt Ashley, joined us looking at the farm animals. Four kids plus two double strollers equals contained chaos.

I loved that you could just wander around the farm and look at the animals at your own leisure without attendants pestering or ushering you along. It allowed us to pet the horses (in Brigham's case, get bitten on the shoulder by a horse), stare at the ugly turkeys, and have the baby calf poop in our faces - a good amount of farm experiences.

And we loved the birds that ran around all over the place.

We luckily brought bread to feed the ducks and geese.

And Ammon. He didn't really want to share his bread and just ate it himself, despite my best persuasive tactics.

Don't worry Ammon, you'll get the hang of it. I have a feeling we'll be practicing again soon.

Beautiful weather, family, a pond full of honking-squawking-quacking birds, and lots of bread - what more could you want? How about a group picture?

Well you got that too! :)

Then it was time to head back to the cars to go our separate ways.

Aunt Ashley and cousins had to go while we stayed and had a picnic and played on the playground.

Later we reconvened with all the Tappana family for a barbecue at our new place to show it off. Despite a broken grill, it was enjoyable to relax, chat, and eat lots of side dishes before everyone headed back to the daily grind the next day.

Thanks to all the servicemen and women that paved the way for us. We passed a cemetery on our way to the farm and I was touched to see it buzzing with activity. I'm so grateful we can honor the memory of those that have gone before us, sacrificing so we can live as we do. I especially want to thank my friend, Michelle Crossan, who served this country in Iraq and just recently passed away in a tragic car accident. We still feel your beautiful spirit and send all our love your way and to your family!

I'm grateful for a weekend to spend with my family and for those who made it possible. Hope you were able to remember, honor, and enjoy time with loved ones too.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Belly Breeze

Now that we live in the fourth floor, rather than in the basement, it's much warmer than we've been used to and I had to pull out the cooler summer pajamas.

When I put on Ammon's twelve-month set, I noticed a problem:

They were a bit too small.

He didn't seem to mind the extra belly-breeze and slept better that night than he had all week.

It wasn't until the following morning, when I noticed the red rings around his forearms from too-tight of sleep wear, that I decided I'd better get him clothes that actually fit. Size 18M, here we come months ahead of schedule. Now to cross my fingers that he'll still fit in all the size eighteen-months fall clothes I bought ahead of time.

Monday, May 14, 2012

New Place Perks

Since we have recently moved to a new condo in Sandy, we have been adjusting to the new place. There are a few things that haven't taken any adjustment at all. I like to call them the new place perks. And I will be doing a mini series of them here on the blog. You're welcome.

As for perk one, take the old place bathtime:

Crammed in a mini tub after waiting hours for the shower to fill it up. It was doable.

However, this is preferable:

A spacey tub that we can fill up with lots of warm water for everyone. Heck, all of us could fit in there! (next family picture idea? :))

What's even more lucky is that we all DON'T have to fit in there because Brigham and I have our very own bathroom and tub/shower of our own. No grimy kids to mess up my shower space (though at times I think the contamination of a husband is worse. Men can be such filthy creatures).

Not only is it easier to fill up, drain, and wash the children, but the kids also play much longer because they have space to really splash and enjoy themselves.

I guess what I'm saying is if you have kids and don't have a bathtub, I highly recommend you get one. It makes life just that much easier. And that is my first new place perk.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


I guess it doesn't help to bring sunscreen if you don't actually put it on your kids.

I'm a really great mom that way.

First walk along the Jordan River this year and my kids got fried. I always seem to have to burn them once when the weather starts warming up before I get smart enough to slather in sunscreen. This time I brought it along but didn't put them on. Like I said, I'm a really great mom.

In other news: we've moved. It went smoother than expected but I am still recovering and pretty busy. I will have updates soon.