Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tappana Times: Yearly Camp Out

We want to be campers so bad. But we just don't seem to be able to make it out more than once a year. And Brigham and I aren't super experienced with equipment and cooking, having left it to our superiors for so long. So we keep piggybacking off my parents and go when they go. One of these days we're going to get our crap together and go camping. A lot. Like with dutch ovens and stuff. That's terrifying. As for now, we are happy with our one camping trip of the year.

This year we left the newborn behind with Aunt Sandy - HUZZAH! Never made a better decision - and we camped at Kanaskat Palmer, which is about fifteen minutes from our house. It's the same place we've explored, hiked, and partied at, but we decided to give the campground a go this time.

Our spot was pretty good for our two tents and we quickly settled in.

Unfortunately, a fire-ban prevented us from having a TRUE camping experience and we turned in pretty early the first night because it's pretty lame to sit in the dark around a lantern in the cold. However, the second night we borrowed a propane campfire from some friends and had a moment in flames. No marshmallows and such, but still a little fire is better than no fire.

It was probably a good thing we turned in early the first night because Kendrick woke up screaming around midnight and it took me a good half hour to get him to calm down. I think he was just cold and uncomfortable and his poor, tired, two-year-old body didn't know what to do except cry out in frustration. However, you know how sound carries in a campground...

Also, Ammon woke up and really needed to go to the bathroom around three am and was scared to go by himself. So I got up and took him to the bathroom, which was not a short walk away. We taught him the convenience of being a boy the next time he found himself in the same situation.

A train passed nearby about every two hours, sounding a ghostly horn and loud clackity on the tracks walking most everyone up in. Needless to say, we were good and tired when we awoke our first full day.

Pushing our yawns away, we headed up to Mount Rainer and finally, succesfully attempted Naches Peak Loop. In past attempts, the area was still covered in snow.

We discovered why so many people love this hike as we made our way around Naches Peak. The views were gorgeous!

We could see Mount Ranier in the distance, we picked fresh Huckleberries all along the way (the only thing that kept Kendrick going), and we played with purple/bluish butterflies.

Ammon even caught a butterfly on his finger.

As you get around the loop, there are a couple of small lakes that you can explore. At the second one, we took our time with a frog Brigham caught.

We realized next time we need to do the loop in the opposite direction so that we are facing the view of Mount Rainier the whole time, instead of having it at our backs. But even with that mistake, I marveled at the nature around us. It reminded me a little bit of Glacier and I was in my happy place.

Back at camp, it was naptime, the kids did a scavenger hunt, we played scramball, hide-and-go-seek, and general camping activities that included getting nice and dirty.

Our second night went much smoother due to some bedding adjustments, and the next morning we went and checked out a different part of the river close to our campsite.

The first night we set up camp, the adults walked to the river. There we watched a baby river otter play in the rocks and water, and met a man who told us about a swimming hole if we continued down the hiking path. Our last morning we set out to find the swimming hole.

And boy were we glad we did! It was the perfect spot! You can jump in from high rocks, or wade in a shallow area that rocks/cliffs naturally separate from the river. The kids had the time of their lives exploring.

Look at those cool orange fungi growing on the log!

Brigham even stripped down to his underwear and jumped in from the rocks.

That last adventure wrapped up our morning and then we finished cleaning up camp and headed home. It was a grand camping trip. Short, sweet, and fun. Camping and hiking are my favorite. Can't wait to do it again!

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