Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ammon's Baptism

As you can read from the invitation, Ammon chose to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ this past January.

We had some great friends help us out with his baptism pictures, and he was a trooper sitting out in the cold for some shots of him being all handsome in his suit.

He does clean up nicely doesn't he?

It worked out that Ammon was able to actually be baptized ON his eighth birthday. We flew up his Grandma Nonie to visit for the weekend so that she would be able to attend as well.

The morning of the big day, we headed to the church and Brigham and Ammon suited up in white and we took an array of pictures with the birthday boy.

Sisters, grandparents, aunts, friends, etc. We had so many people come to support Ammon and our family.

As for the program, Ammon wanted to keep it short and simple. Grandpa Nils gave a talk on both baptism and the Holy Ghost combined. Kayleen and Lydia performed a musical number of I am a Child of God. Lydia played the piano and Kayleen delighted us with her violin.

I am seriously impressed EVERY time these two put something together like this. They come up with the song, how they want to do it together, practice, and then just perform something beautiful.

Ammon chose to have his dad baptize him, and then Grandpa Nils to confirm him into the Church.

Fun Fact: We remembered the white underwear (thanks to some friends) but we forgot to bring towels! We waited and waited for Brigham and Ammon to come back after Ammon was baptized, but they were taking forever. My mom was playing songs on the piano until they got back and it seemed like she played through the entire Primary Songbook and they still weren't back! Little did we know, they had no towels and were attempting to use paper towels from the bathroom to dry off so they could get dressed. Hahaha! Poor guys.

After the baptism, we went back to my parents' house to have a luncheon, sing happy birthday to Ammon and have his peanut-butter chocolate cake, and visit with family and friends who could stop by.

We couldn't linger too long, however, because Ammon had his first basketball game to get to!

We were packing it all in.

After the basketball game, we took Grandma Nonie out to Kanaskat Palmer to show her around and to throw rocks in the river.

A bald eagle flew right over our heads and then we saw another big bird (a heron?) about to fish the river in front of us. We also had a friendly bear sighting! It was the cutest little brown bear I've ever seen.

After the Green River, we headed back to my parents' so Ammon could open presents and we relaxed after a busy, fun-filled day.

When Ammon was getting his baptism pictures taken, I asked if there was any pose or anything fun we wanted to do for a picture. He thought for a second, then nodded seriously, and this is what we got:

I'm not sure what that is or what it means, but we went with it. And I love it. Because it's all Ammon. He's his own person who is sweet, and good, and crazy, and handsome, and wonderful. I can't believe he's old enough to be baptized. I miss my little blond-haired toddler that won us over with is cheese-grins constantly. I still fight hard for Ammon's grins, but as he matures and that innocence slowly fades, I want to stop time in its tracks.

I'm so proud of you, Ammon, for this decision. I know that covenanting to follow Christ and becoming a member of His Church will bring you happiness, and that is what I wish for you more than anything! I love you, my boy!

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