Monday, October 12, 2015

Tappana Times: Curly Fries and Goodbyes

September was busy with summer ending and school starting. Before school started, the ward had a final father/daughter camp out. So while Brigham and Lydia went to the wild, Ammon and I partied it up at Arby's.

Ammon was unsure of Arbys - what with no play place and all - but the curly fries won him over and he constantly tells me how much he likes curly fries and wants to go back to Arby's on a date again.

We said our final goodbye to Uncle Kenny when we took him to the airport for his mission.

My heart broke watching him walk off alone to security. So young and so far away. But he's doing great!

We made it to the second to last Maple Valley Farmer's Market at the elementary school, walking together. As I was catching up to my family, my heart filled with joy at these three. They are my world.

At the market we were admiring the flowers, and the sweet little man who ran the booth came around and gave Lydia a bouquet for free! It made her day, my day, and the nice man said it made his day as well to see her smile. We didn't buy anything, but perusing the booths, free flowers, playing on the playground, and walking together made it a pretty satisfying time.

We said goodbye to Kenny, the farmer's market, and our TV.

All of our electronics seem to be hitting the dust, and for awhile we could get the top half of the picture to come back by hitting the side of the tv. But, it finally had enough beatings and we could no longer get the full screen to appear. My kids were still desperate enough for their tv time that they would watch the tv like this anyway.

We ended up getting a small, older tv that someone was giving away to replace this one. It's definitely not quality, but it works just fine for us for now and the price was right.

Now to replace Brigham's cellphone.

With school starting, Lydia had her yearly picture taken and we recently just got them back.

Yep, she's my little shining star. Love this girl!


  1. oh my goodness lydia is darling! such a beautiful girl!

  2. I love, love, LOVE that picture of Lydia!! She is quite the beautiful little lady. And curly fries used to be my favorite too. But throwing them up is not a favorite, so now they are forever ruined.
