Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Tappana Times: The Longest January

28 Weeks
I swear this past January was the longest January of my entire life. It could have something to do with finally announcing my pregnancy to the world and time suddenly seemed to stop. Or it could be the never-ending gray and gloomy rain that plagues Washington this time of year. It could also be the letdown from the holidays. Or all of it combined. All I know is that January felt like six months instead of one.

With that being said, we tried to keep ourselves busy so we wouldn't be too caught in the dreary. Kendrick and I took several walks, but I swear EVERY TIME we get all set up to go because it's not raining, the second we start to set foot out the door, suddenly it starts pouring again. So I either put the rain cover on Kendrick's stroller and go anyway, or we trek back indoors and hope it stops in couple minutes.

This was supposed to show how five minutes before it was sunny, but now it's raining in this picture. You just can't really tell...but that's how it happens
 We got rid of Kendrick's last binky that he used to sleep with.

It was a hard transition for the both of us. Poor kid has had to be re-sleep trained so many times and really really really loves that binky. I love just being able to go in and pop it back in his mouth if he wakes up crying and then problem solved. And I loved how he would ask for his binky only when he was tired and wanted to sleep. It kept him my little baby for that much longer. However, I did not want to deal with binky drama with a new baby and Kendrick turned two so it was time for my boy to get just a little bit bigger.

Kendrick threw the binky away just fine, but it took a couple weeks of crying at night and naptimes for him to get used to going without it. I also discovered that he's been sucking on his blanket or burp rag instead. But as the month went on, he's gotten better and better.

Besides making Ammon's birthday cake, I made my favorite breakfast pockets. They use homemade dough and are stuffed with eggs, cheese, sausage, and hashbrowns. I love having a batch in the freezer and warming them up for a quick breakfast on the go. This time I used whole-wheat flour in the dough and they still tasted awesome. I felt mighty domestic. It's funny how I suddenly feel like baking and cooking in the cold winter months.

On a day off of school, we went to the Pacific Science Center in Seattle where we were given season passes.

They have all these different sections where you can learn about different science-y things like dinosaurs, space, nutrition and bodies, weather, etc. My favorite section was the insect section where they also have a huge indoor butterfly exhibit.

Kendrick so badly wanted a butterfly to land on him and he walked around with his hand held out, just in case a butterfly so desired to be friends.

My sister, Kayleen, who was with us, also wanted a butterfly to land on her. She stood very still near a large group of butterflies, and sure enough one finally landed on her chin!

In fact, the butterfly liked her so much it wouldn't come off when we decided it was time to go! No matter how much she moved and shook, it stayed attached. I finally had to use a paper to scrape it off.

Ammon was hoping for a butterfly landing, but unfortunately, he was not so lucky. Lydia was the opposite, and when one actually tried to land on her she freaked out and ran away. Of course, Lydia would be one to be afraid of butterflies! We still tease her about it.

We ate lunch and walked through the whole museum and the kids had a fantastic time.

Of course, Kendrick's favorite part was in the toddler section playing with the water and toys.

He glared at any kid that crowded his equipment or space and dumped bucket after bucket of water. The big kids had their own fun and spend quite some time in the water area as well.

We ended outdoors in the water mechanics section and the famous hamster wheel.

It was nice to get out, explore, learn, and be together.

And to end this post, here's Kendrick in double hats that he chose to wear around all day. Surprisingly, no one at the grocery store commented at all. He would wear hats in multiple varieties everywhere if he could, and most the time I let him. Because if anything is going to keep a smile on my face in these cold, long months, this boy and his hats will.

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