Sunday, January 20, 2019

Tappana Times: Gearing Up for Christmas

This year we had a lot of holiday celebrations to get us in the mood for Christmas. Our church always does a Celebrate the Nativity where we decorate the gym of the church full of hundreds of different Nativities with sparkling Christmas trees lighting up the background. Musical numbers run continuously for the three days it takes place, cookies are served endlessly, and other rooms are available for children to make crafts, or families to take photos dressed up in Nativity outfits. They also always try to have a live Nativity.

We were asked to be the live Nativity when Kendrick was one-year-old, and it was such a special experience I signed us up again now that we had another baby. Basically, we play Mary and Joseph and whatever other characters from the Baby Jesus story that we want. As people walk by looking at the setup displays of nativities, we are in the back of the gym, playing a live one.

We make the older three kids stay dressed up and in character for a half hour before they can run off to the craft and cookie room. Brigham and I stay in place for at least an hour. Ivy made the sweetest little baby Jesus. She laid in the manger and played with the hay for about fifteen minutes until she fell asleep for over two hours.

People LOVED seeing a real baby. And really, many were startled to realize she was a real baby because they thought she was a doll at first. Seeing a peaceful baby sleeping in a bed of hay in a manger brought such feelings of awe and peace, imagining what it might have been like for Jesus when He was born. It was a really wonderful few hours that touched many people.

It was also special because this was the last year that our stake was putting on Celebrate the Nativity, so we felt blessed to be able to play a role one last time.

As a family, we watched the First Presidency Christmas Devotional for family home evening. The Christmas message brought a special feeling into our home and the older kids listened so well.

Unfortunately, during the devotional, the bottom half of our Christmas tree lights flickered and went out.

Making for a sad little Christmas tree for the month. We tried fixing it, but the wiring is pretty messed up and unsalvagable. Time to get a new Christmas tree.

Brigham's company had a Christmas party for employees and spouses, so we left our kids with a friend (an awesome friend who also took all of them to the ward Christmas party that night so they wouldn't miss out. And she was on her own with her three children. Seven kids at a ward Christmas party all on her own? Saint, I tell you.) and went and ate delicious seafood on the shores of Des Moines.

My mom works for the same company so my parents were there as well, and we had a fun time with the magician and socializing with coworkers and each other.

We loved the stuffed mushrooms and crabmeat on a stick. Oh, and the shrimp. My dad enjoyed the filet mignon bruschetta bites.

This year my mom also took us to the Ensign Choir Christmas concert.

It was fun to get out as adults, get some culture in our lives, feel Christmasy, and just hear good music.

It made me miss playing the clarinet! There's nothing like playing Christmas music together with a band.

This year we finally returned to baking day! We've been burnt out on baking day for a while. All the cooking and slaving away in the kitchen together was too stressful, so we took a few years off. This year we returned to the tradition, but simplified it. We each picked one thing that we've never made and tried it out.

My mom made these lemon cookies and they received high reviews, though those with sensitive palettes thought they were a bit sour.

My Aunt Sandy also went lemon with these lemon thumbprint cookies. If you like shortbread type of cookies, these are for you. They were a bit harder to make.

I simply dipped pretzels in chocolate and covered them in with sprinkles or crushed candy canes. Simple, and yet delicious. Can't go wrong with sweet and salty.

I took some of the goodies and placed them on these platters I'd been creating to give out to close friends.

Wrap it all up with a bow, and we've got Christmas treats for Brigham and the kids to deliver.

With all of our activities, it wasn't hard to feel in the Christmas spirit this year. Concerts, parties, baking, and giving gifts. Bring on Santa Clause!

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