Sunday, January 13, 2019

Kendrick turns "Fwee"!

Kendrick patiently waited through Kayleen and Brigham's and Aunt Sadies birthday for his big day to arrive.

He knew he was turning three and that he would get cake, presents, and a birthday dinner.

He got his macaroni and cheese with vegetables and oranges for his birthday dinner. This kid is a good eater and loves mac and cheese, of course!

Kendrick was also VERY  specific about his cake preference. He wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate chips in it with green frosting and sprinkles. Yellow and green sprinkles to be exact- because those are his favorite colors.

So if he's going to be that specific, I'm going to give him what he wants! (plus, the request was easy. phew!)

He loved the birthday song and candles. And the cake was a success!

The months leading up to his birthday, Kendrick was obsessed with nice, green dragons. He was a nice green dragon, anyone he liked was a nice green dragon. If you called him something he would always say, "No I'm not cute, I'm a nice, green dragon!" So I went with that theme and we got him a bunch of nice, green dragon stuff.

Unfortunately, by this point, Kendrick had moved on from nice green dragons to power rangers so he wasn't as excited as I had hoped. However, he was really into Christmas because of the current holiday season, so he was thrilled with Christmas shirts and books. And he's always a lover of Sesame Street, Mickey Mouse, and puzzles. Honestly, it's not hard to please a three-year-old.

I was happy when he got Christmas clothes because, previously, all he wanted was Christmas shirts. Whatever holiday is approaching, Kendrick is all about it.

Kendrick is my little buddy during the day. He loves going to exercise class with me and often will work out alongside me. I even borrowed some two-pound weights so he could have his own weights to lift with.

Here he's doing step-ups and side plank rows. And he loves to exercise at home, doing lunges across the floor and handstands on the wall. Hopefully, he'll keep that up throughout his life.

Kendrick loves sports, especially football, and always wants to cheer for the white team for some reason. He is so full of life and has such passion for everything. He's either really, really happy, or really, really cranky. Some of my favorite things he says:

When the sun is out: "Look! The sun is happy!"
When it's raining: "The sun is crying today!"
"Well, probably I am!"
"I'm good to go!" accompanied with a thumbs up.

His hats and leather brown jacket are what he's known for, and his dimples and long eyelashes still save him from a lot of trouble.

He's still super stubborn, but has mellowed out this last year now that he can be reasoned with. Thank goodness, because the year before was a challenge for this mom! But he definitely still has his moments.

He fights naps every day but definitely needs them. And he would probably be reading by now if his lazy mom would get her act together since he taught himself all the letters and sounds a year ago. He has one amazing memory and is one sharp kid. I wish I could keep him three for forever, but I'll just count my blessings that he still constantly wants my hugs to feel better or to be happy.

Happy birthday my playful, joyful, passionate, boy!

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