Monday, August 12, 2019

Tappana Times: April Fools and Fun

April always begins with a bunch of trickery at our house. This year bugs infested our life for a day.

The kids mostly rolled their eyes and tossed the spiders out of the way, but they did take a couple to retaliate with. My sister didn't even notice the fake flies floating in the bottom of her cup.

Brigham always gets special consideration with some mint lotion smeared on his steering wheel before he left for work.

And his lunch, though full of food, might have been hard to eat. I don't think play food tastes super great.

Don't worry, I left him a real lunch to eat in the back of his car. Happy April Fools!!!

As the weather started to clear up, we spent a family night playing at Flaming Geyser State Park.

Climbing logs, tossing a football, picnic food, and playground fun.

Of course, I spent lots more time with my two little ones during the day. Ivy seemed to grow before my eyes, as she only had one more month before she turned one!

Perfect stool to fit these two hams.

Another spring General Conference, more Bingo prizes, and tons and tons of inspiration from leaders who teach God's word to us.

We swapped cinnamon rolls on Sunday for a lighter, delicious Blueberry Breakfast Cake. It might become a new tradition.

I hiked Mount Si with some friends.

Guys, this hike was hard!

I did expect the eight miles round trip and 3,200 feet in elevation gain, but I did NOT expect snow. It started out raining, which I can handle, but as we rose in altitude the rain turned to snow and it. was. cold.

To get to the haystack, we had to climb over some rocks and so my hands froze as I held onto snow-covered rocks to steady myself.

The view was supposed to be beautiful at the top but we could only see clouds and snow at the summit.

However, we all made it and celebrated our friend April's birthday at the top with donuts.

Ricole even channeled her inner Snow White and coaxed a bird to land and eat from her hand. I ran back down the mountain to try to warm up, but to no avail. I haven't been that cold and wet in my life. Exhausted, tired, and sore, I spent the rest of the day trying to warm up.

Ivy entertained us with her crazy hair days.

A second-grade choir concert for Ammon.

Chocolate goatees from these two crazies.

Flowers from Brigham for our twelve-year anniversary, and Lydia and Ammon picking up trash to earn Mariner's tickets from school.

Dad and I had amazing seats twelve rows behind home plate at a Mariner's game. I love some baseball with my dad!

I faced off against the dandelions taking over our grass once again (and lost), while Kendrick declared he's ready for church in his pink, diamond-studded sunglasses.

We made time for an after-dinner dance party.

And Ivy.

Our mornings together are often interesting.

Besides hanging out with those two, I went with our stake women's basketball team to compete in regionals.

And we won!!

Maple Valley Stake, regional champs! It was an interesting year with shorter games and a slow start, but a great time as always. I love pretending like I'm a baller with these talented ladies.

April was full of good times and explorations. More to come!

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