Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Tappana Times: Settling Back Into March

We returned from our grand trip to the Mediterranean and it became life as usual once again.

But the sights at home are often just as beautiful as anything abroad.

We celebrated Lydia turning double digits!

I can't believe my beautiful girl is ten! Ten! That's, like, old for a kid! I made her a chocolate cookie cake this year. She's still going strong on the cookie cakes year after year.

Shortly after Lydia turned ten, it was Mom's turn for a birthday!

She turned a bit older than ten, but not by much.

Ammon wrapped up his season of basketball.

He was the tallest boy on his team and did a great job. He improved vastly this year from the previous one.

We spent way too long waiting to return items at IKEA.

But the meatballs sorta made it worth it.

Ivy spat up and tried to eat it and then played in the disaster. Babies are good at gross messes.

I chopped all my hair off. And also went grocery shopping by myself at 10:30 at night.

And made some delicious homemade white sauce, chicken, spinach pizza.

Kendrick and Ivy kept me company during chores and various day-to-day activities.

Is there anything cuter than a little boy on a rocking dinosaur wearing a cowboy hat?? Or baby Nike's?!

Ivy sported her first little pony-tail on the top of her head.

And helped welcome our friend, Brooke, who I watched occasionally.

Kendrick showed how fast he can run at the park.

I shot it in rewind just for fun.

And then he completely freaked Ivy out by going down the slide. That's right, watching other people going down slides freaks this girl out.

Ammon participated in his first and last Pinewood Derby for scouts.

His car came in last every time, but we know how to have a good time even if we don't win. Ammon was a great sport.

A few more of Ivy as she grows and changes in March:

She loved to stick her finger in the medicine syringe.

She also started to pull herself up onto different things.

She rolled her tongue.

And fell asleep while she ate.

With crazy hair after her bath.

On a beautiful March day, I took the kids to Lake Meridian. It took me almost an hour to find parking, but once we settled in we had a great evening.

We tossed a football, played on the playground, walked on the dock, and then the kids had competitions rolling down the hill. This led to one of the funniest videos of Kendrick I've ever seen.

That is  Kendrick rolling down the hill saying over and over again, "I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win, I'm gonna win!"  And then at the very end, he looks up and sees Ammon at the bottom and exclaims, "Aw! Ammon, you won!"

Oh my, that boy is a character!

A busy, normal March. I sure do love my people.

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