Sunday, December 30, 2018

Tappana Times: Grateful for November

November always brings out the craft fairs, and I enjoy browsing the local ones with my mom and Lydia on the weekends.

These are a couple of cute crafts that caught our eye this year.

We also start preparing for Thanksgiving. This year we were trying to develop the Christ-like attribute of gratitude. To help us do so, I made a turkey and each day we had to write something we were grateful for on a feather and add it to our turkey. I cut out 122 feathers and our goal was to use every one of them to create a big, beautiful Thanksgiving turkey.

Well, we did. And I'd say we did a good job. Our turkey was big and colorful and full of all of our many blessings. Even Kendrick got into it with things he was grateful for like Elmo, nursery, snacks, and books. I rarely had to help at all since he was so full of ideas.

It does help that the small things make this kid extremely happy - like balloons, gloves, and hats.

We could all be a little more grateful for the simple things like Kendrick.

Ryan came into town with his girlfriend, Kelsie, for Thanksgiving. While they were here we played a lot of games and also did a taco taste test.

We gathered tacos from Taco Time, Taco Bell, Taco Del Mar, and a local Mexican place: La Fogata.

We then blindly tasted them and rated them for best meat, best tortilla, and best overall.

Taco Time won by a landslide - though, Ryan still stayed loyal to his beloved Taco Bell.

Brigham just enjoyed eating all the tacos.

Thanksgiving came and we had a wonderful day of food and lots of pie! So much pie. We played games and enjoyed laughing at each other's terrible drawings in the game Telestrations. We also played a game called Muse, and Kelsie showed us her dancing skills.

We try to make a craft on Thanksgiving that the kids can give out as Christmas gifts, and this year I came up the idea to make sock snowmen/snowwomen.

The kids got really into it and created some pretty cute little snow people.

Then everyone fought over who got to keep Kelsie's snow people because hers were the cutest of all. So basically, craft time was a success.

Brigham turned 34 this year and enjoyed a mint-chocolate-chip-brownie-ice-cream cake.

Once Brigham's birthday and Thanksgiving were over, we decorated the house for Christmas.

The kids were all very excited about decorating with ornaments and they did a great job placing them on the tree. Though, I did go back later and reorganize the clusters Kendrick had stacked on the bottom.

My favorite was catching Ammon holding Ivy next to the Christmas tree. Those magical, sweet moments are the ones I want to remember for forever.

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